| 1. | Office, for instance, might include a message pad, receipt book, labels, ink pad, stamps.
| 2. | He said he went to a stationery store and bought a stamp and ink pad.
| 3. | I had a chop made, given a red ink pad, and a badge to wear.
| 4. | Even the ink pads used to mark thumbs so people couldn't vote twice were missing.
| 5. | The gang has left, but Charlie finds an ink pad in the fireplace and takes it as evidence.
| 6. | Charlie reveals that Forrest used the ink pad to put Nash's thumbprint on the revolver to frame him.
| 7. | The 60 employees are using other relics of record-keeping _ carbon paper, ink pads and worn rubber stamps.
| 8. | They clipped samples of his hair, photographed his teeth and brought out an ink pad to capture his fingerprints.
| 9. | A person would put his fingers on an ink pad and then roll them onto a piece of paper.
| 10. | In the northeastern city of Recife, federal police Monday began using digital equipment rather than ink pads to process Americans.